Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Goings On...

Here's a few pictures of what's been going on around our home the last few days.  I'm trying to make an effort in finding beauty and joy in the simple stuff.  These moments, uncaptured, may seem insignificant...but when paid attention to, particularly when viewed through a lens, they are indeed magnificent.  What a splendid time for our family.  A time when play and painting abound.  When daddy gets to be home a little more then usual.  Baked bread is smelled throughout the house.  My littlest little is into everything.  My oldest little helps fold her sister's diapers.  And mommy gets to catch up on her reading.
Thank you, Jesus for my life.

Blessings on your day,

1 comment:

www.OhThePlacesWellRoll.com said...

NO WAY! That is a trip. This is the first of Iris' books I have read, but went ahead and pulled them all from the library cause they sounded so interesting. i grew up outside DC, so all of her Washington talk is a hoot for me to read.