Well, after a whirlwind Thanksgiving tour to my home town, with a sick child no less, we are finally home. We get to sleep in our own beds (mine complete with heating pad and extra pillows). Emma gets to sleep in her own bed instead of with Mommy and Daddy. We get to resume our regular routine (for at least a couple more weeks until we make the three hour drive back to VA for Christmas). Work is to be done, decorating to be completed, grocery shopping to be tackled, small group Bible studies to be rekindled, girls nights to be enjoyed, Christmas gifts to be made, schedules to be harried, but I couldn't be more thankful for all of it.
I did a lot of thinking over the Thanksgiving Holiday, a natural time of year to reflect on what you're thankful for. But this year was different for me for some reason. Though I was thankful for the surface level stuff too, it went a little deeper.
Emma was pretty sick and that left me thankful for each passing day. When she was finally well, I was left thankful for her healing and then thankful to be her mother. Time with family left me thankful for love and it's dizzying effect on the human spirit. Quiet observation of those around me left me thankful for my relatively problem-free marriage (even with it's few kinks and quirks). Time away from friends reminded me of how thankful I am of all my dear friendships. The cold wind made me thankful for my warm home. Good holiday food left my tummy thankful that we don't eat like that on a regular basis, but joyful that we always have food on our table. The lessons in each one of these little details leaves me thankful for wisdom gleaned.
I'm thankful for this blog and I'm glad to be back writing again after a week of no internet, as trivial as that sounds. But at the same time, I'm thankful we didn't have internet for a week!
Though I'm glad to be back, it was a nice little mini-vacation and for that I'm thankful as well.
Most of all, I'm thankful to God...
I'm thankful for all He's given me to be thankful for. For without Him, I'd have nothing to be thankful for at all. What wonderful blessings He bestows us with day in and day out.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I look forward to catching up with all my bloggy pals and catch you up on several things I've got in mind to post about as well! I've got a lot to talk about!